Native K- Kakadu Plum
Native K Kakadu plum is a unique and native fruit grown in Australia with the world’s highest recorded source of natural vitamin C (up to 17%).
Legacy Health is Australia’s leading TGA compliant Kakadu plum supplier. With strict quality control in all aspects of sourcing, manufacture, research and supply Native K is the natural go to for Australian Kakadu Plum.
Highest natural source of vitamin C – no synthetic vitamin C
Immunity – boost immune system function
Beauty – enhance collagen formation
Antioxidant – rich source of powerful antioxidants
Source; Northern Australia
Australian Herbal Name; Terminalia ferdinandiana
Common Name; Kakadu plum
Source; Sustainably sourced through Indigenous communities in Australia
Gluten free
TGA laboratory tested
Propietary Ingredient certified by TGA
ISO/GMP certifications